Universal Free Energy

Universal free energy infers just that. It means energy would be free as the air we breathe, universal and not tied to a power company, line, or generator. Also, the energy portion of whatever mechanization involved would have no cost.

A young Yugoslavian immigrant, Nicola Tesla, offered the world treasures of universal free energy, just prior to the completion of the hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls, which would have been as free as the air we breathe. It was a form of quantum physics, which utilizes power at one location and transmits it throughout the planet. J. P. Morgan and other financial powers, which controlled the banking system at that time, withdrew their support and openly blocked his experiments. The reason was simple. It could not be tapped or delivered to persons using it, so was certainly not in the vested interest of those who manufacture power lines, the power companies, construction companies or heavily invested financial interests. There was no way of metering and collecting money from the users.

Had those in the financial world looked beyond the immediate effects this action had on a few large industrial empires, we today would be experiencing clean air, no acid rain, and a great deal less toxic wastes. We can only imagine the developments it would have propagated. Many inventors today are investigating Tesla's theories, which hold great promise for the future. Let us hope they can overcome the threats of a government-supported entrenched industry, which are somewhat muted by the changes taking place in Washington and the self-imploding economy. Tesla's work ran into a number of tragic blockages. His original laboratories were burned and his transmitter station in Colorado Springs was destroyed. Tesla died a poor and broken man and our government confiscated most of his books and drawings. Such destruction has set the world back seventy-five years.

Scientists in various parts of the world are getting these same innovations intuitively. An aware public, desirous of positive change, will bring it into fruition. No longer will we be at the mercy of an elite few whose intent is to keep us in bondage. Free energy would:

I.  Save the ozone layer.

2. End air pollution.

3. Provide energy as free as the air we breathe.

4. End oil spills.

5. Deprive oil monopolies of economic control of the world.

6. Put an end to almost all strife in the Middle East.

7. Drastically reduce cost of all means of travel.

8. Stop acid rain.

9. Provide endless power for beauty through unlimited fountains and lights, run powerful laser drilling equipment, operate our vehicles, provide immediate desalination throughout the world.

10. Increase use of geo-thermal water by providing unceasing power so we could green the deserts at minimal cost.

11. Eliminate radiation poisoning which causes skin cancer and other diseases for those living near power lines and from AC that emanate from household appliances and outlets in the home.

12.   Create hundreds of thousands of new jobs through new methods of growing food, housing, and hemp growing for clothing.