In order to sustain life on earth food must be grown locally.
Diversifying crop production into small family farms and utilizing predatory selective insects, birds, insects, worms to open up hardpan soil and increase minerals to roots of plants.
Food should be grown locally fostering sustainability on every community through the small organic family farm.
Every living thing is supported by another living thing, even what farmers refer to as pests.
Let the dairy cows live as cows, pigs be pigs, chickens be chickens, etc., in uncrowded conditions, foraging on the seeds, grasses, insects and even some weeds which are natural to their historical evolution.
Agriculture and domestic drinking supplies are now being structured rather than stripped of their life content.
Gone is the need for growth hormones, and antibiotics fed to animals and birds.
A well diversified production of organic farming, feed animals naturally, structuring water reduces animal fatality, increases growth and health of animals, nurtures the root system of crops and their vitality for those who consume both crops and animals.
We are producing our food with insufficient mineralization at deep levels to the root systems.
The root of a plant is indicative of the health of our planet to the end consumer.
What attracts what we call pests is not genetically modified seeds but our own insistence on monoculture on large commercial farms and sick plants which the pests are designed to eat.
Our children are eating more and receiving less protein than we did 100-200 years ago.
The cause of wars and strife in many parts of the world is due to inefficient farm production lack of fertile land on which to sustain their people.